Keeping the peace..

As the nights get lighter and warmer weather sets in, St Helens Council and Merseyside Police receive an increasing number of complaints about neighbourhood noise and nuisance.

Merseyside Police are stepping up high visibility policing patrols throughout Spring  as part of a multi-agency Community Safety campaign called SpringWatch. They will be targeting nuisance and anti-social behaviour at key times and locations throughout St. Helens.  They will also be asking residents to support the action  by playing a part to help reduce the impacts of noise nuisance on local communities.

Chief Inspector Keith McLachlan says: "When it comes to the everyday sounds of a busy neighbourhood, everyone has different tolerance levels. Even homes with good insulation may not block out all the sounds of modern life. Repetitive noise nuisance, often caused unintentionally by neighbours, can have a significant impact on people, leading to stress and damaging the quality of life in local neighbourhoods."

Here are some top-tips to enjoying a peaceful spring period;

  • Always respect your neighbours and their property;
  • Treat others how you want to be treated;
  • Listen to your neighbours if they complain about you;
  • Keep music, stereos and TV's down - your neighbours should not be able to hear them if they are at an acceptable level;
  • If you are planning a BBQ or 'get together' with friends - inform your neighbours of your plans - and keep the noise to an acceptable level;
  • Ensure that you carry out household chores such as hovering, washing and mowing the lawn at reasonable hours in the day; and;
  • Chat to your children about the impacts their playing habits might have on neighbours - playing football in the street can cause significant damage to property and stress to neighbours if it impacts on their home or garden - it is also a criminal offence to play a game on the highway causing annoyance to another highway user - and can lead to a fine.  There are lots of alternative activities available to keep young people entertained this Spring

Colette McIntyre, Anti-Social Behaviour Manager at St. Helens Council said: "We all make noise  but awareness is the key to making sure your noise is not a problem for others. If you are being disturbed by noise from a neighbour, first approach your neighbour and explain politely that you are being troubled by noise. You may find this difficult, but often people are unaware that they are causing a problem. Most will be glad to do what they can to reduce noise. However approach the matter carefully if you think your neighbour might react angrily to a complaint."