Crime busting event success.
St.Helens Council’s new Anti-Social Behaviour booklet produced by its safer communities section was also available free of charge. This tells you about what anti-social behaviour is, how to report it and the standard of service residents can expect when they report incidents to the Community Safety Partnership (CSP). You can also download a copy of the pledge.
The event,in Church Square, involved a mix of agencies who all work together to keep the borough safe. They were available to talk about their work and will include St.Helens Council, Merseyside Police, Registered Social Landlords and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, among others.
Over summer, members of the CSP have been working together to ensure that anti-social behaviour levels stay down, during a time when historically they are known to increase. Visitors heard more about operation Safespace which aims to keep parks and open spaces free from anti-social behaviour and off-road vehicle nuisance
Residents who may be experiencing problems with a range of different types of anti-social behaviour (environmental issues, off-road vehicle nuisance, graffiti, dog fouling, neighbourhood noise, flytipping and rowdy behaviour) were able ti find out what's being done to tackle problems, and how they can get help. The police will also have their mounted section, dog handlersquad officers and armed response in attendance.
Housing providers Helena, Riverside & Arena Housing were also be present along with Tenant & Resident Volunteers and Homewatch Leaders.
Says Councillor Sur Murphy, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Safer Communities and Youth, said: “The event provided people with information about the many initiatives to tackle bad behaviour and, importantly, inform people where and how to get help if they have a problem.”